If you are anything like me, then you don’t have an abundance of free time. Any free time you do have is spent on your creative work. The rest of time goes to school, work, sleep, and other essential but un-riveting activities. What is fun you ask? Well, don’t worry because I have been trying to figure that out as well.
I take no particular pleasure in going out to the clubs or house parties. I am a homebody and most of my friends are too. Here are some fun things you can do without having to step a foot outside.
For months now, I have been really into cooking. I have checked out so many cookbooks from the library, the librarians have started suggesting ones I’ll like. Go pick out a new recipe to make with a group of friends or by yourself It can be anything you want– from roasted duck to that chocolate cake from Matilda. Make something you’ve always thought about creating but never had the courage to until now. If you dramatically miss the mark, there’s usually a frozen pizza tucked away in the depths of the freezer you can throw in the oven.
Movie Night
When I moved in with my newer roommate, she had stacks and stacks of movies her mom had bought from Goodwill. Try going to a local, second-hand store and seeing what you can find and make a night out of it. Have a little movie party with everything set to the theme of the movie, or you can have popcorn or (for ambitious readers) homemade Rice Krispies. That actually sounds really good…
Card Games
These games can be some of the most intense games ever. I could not stop laughing at the level of intensity my aunt had while playing my sister in a game of spoons. By the end of the night my aunt had disowned my sister and lost her winning streak, and my sister had lost her breathe in laughter. All in all, it was a super fun way to pass the night and we got to do it from the comfort of our home.