Opinions on the microinfluencer

Written by Mia Aponte. Graphic by Abby Chadwick.

The rise of influencers whether you have 1,000,000 followers or 1,000 has been very prominent for the last three or four years. In this day in age, everyone has something to say whether you want to hear it or not. Thus, many big influencers don’t realize or can’t connect to their audience as closely compared to micro-influencers. Nowadays influencers with smaller communities, in my opinion, are better and actually worth following. 

“Micro-influencers” by definition is an influencer with a follower count within the range of 10,000–100,000 followers. Whether it’s fashion inspiration, home demo, cooking or lifestyle, micro-influencers seem more relatable and appealing to viewers. They genuinely seem like real people and care about their audience and the content they create. Not the next cash grab ad they get from a brand that you have never heard of. Micro-influencers give off “everyday-life” energy and are interesting to watch. Whether it’s advice or recommendations, I appreciate a genuine stance on a topic and not a forced opinion. 

According to Data Bridge Market Research, the influencer marketing platform market was valued at USD 7.36 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach the value of USD 69.92 billion by 2029. Thus, influencer marketing has the potential to expand a brand’s visibility as more people are seeking information on what products to buy, places to eat, and travel destinations all from influencers all over the globe. More than ever before, brands have unlimited choices of partners. But I think these brands forget to realize that smaller is in fact better. 

By finding an influencer, regardless of their follower account that genuinely likes the goods or services your brand is providing, then an influencer with a mass following that knows nothing about your brand makes an extreme impact on your audience. As influencers become more popular by the minute, viewers can see through an influencer’s persona. Having that genuine connection with your audience nowadays gives more satisfaction and appeal to an influencer, leaving a viewer wanting to come back to your content. This is why I think a following now is harder to gain than in the past. 

So as you continue to scroll on social media, be mindful of the people you are watching and the content they generate to their audience. Do they actually create their own and it’s not an ad? Do they give their honest opinions? Does it feel forced? These are the little things that can make a big impact and influence your day-to-day life without even realizing it. Connecting with people on a smaller level maintains humility, honesty and realness with your audience. So next time you click the follow button, think to yourself, are they actually worth watching?