Photo by Nicholas Lawrence
Fire alarms at Oglethorpe House last Saturday, Jan. 10 were set off by an overheating elevator motor, a Savannah Fire & Emergency Services spokesman said in an email this morning.
Mark D. Keller, Public Information Officer of the Savannah Fire & Emergency Services, said in an email, “SCAD personnel were informed to place the system on test until the repairs could be completed. There was no fire discovered during response to the two alarms.”
At 9:35 p.m. student residents of the SCAD dorm evacuated across Jefferson Street to the block of the Civic Center where they waited for more than 30 minutes. A second alarm was caused by an elevator repairman.
Director of Residence Life and Housing Jason Rigsbee said in an email, “the elevator is expected to be out of service one week while a part is repaired and replaced.”
An email sent out by the Res Life department says that both front O-House elevators will be out of service “for up to one week.”