Written by Ky Tanella. Graphic by Ana Vergara.

Creativity works its way into nearly every aspect of SCAD student culture, and pets are no exception. Today, I’m going to be introducing you to some of the lovable and ever-unique pets in our community!


This little lady’s name is Oracle! She’s a one-eyed, deaf and elderly sweetheart. My boyfriend used to be pretty fond of feeding the stray cats that would populate around his Savannah home, and that’s how he found Oracle. Now, she’s well-fed, extremely loved and a complete diva! Also, an interesting bonus feature about her: she screams at the top of her lungs (much like a deaf, elderly cat does). Even when she greets you or purrs, she’s quite a vocal kitty! She’s the most gentle, and affectionate kitty around! I love you, Oracle!


Jah is a lovely little Jack Russell Terrier mixed with a Shi-Tzu (an energetic diva), and definitely an old man trapped in a tiny dog’s body – every morning, he sits on his little yellow couch/chair and watches “Three’s Company.” My friend and Jah’s owner, Gabe, always calls him a “Honey Smoked Ham” because he is “rotund” and “of mass” (direct quotes from the man himself). An avid feminist, he tends to favor women over men, hence why he’s always growling at my friend when he tries to show any amount of affection (relatable). Even though he’s not great at parties, he’ll at least sniff your butt to initiate small talk – in which he’ll likely steer the conversation towards his favorite food, Flamin’ Hot Funyuns, or show off his awesome harmonization skills with his signature howl. If you’re lucky, he might mention the fact that he’s a Gemini.


Wally, or “Wallace”, is a tiny little menace, a pandemic puppy with a heart of gold and an affinity for chewing shoes (even though he hates eating normal food)! He’s the bravest (most skittish) guy around – he’s most known for “gently biting fingers,” being “too stupid to learn tricks,” and creating an ever-lasting friendship with his favorite toy, the garden gnome. Again, much like an old man, he loves sitting on the couch with his Mom and watching “Seinfeld”, and has absolutely mastered the art of the mandatory 0.5x photoshoot. I remember when my friend was attempting to pick out names for him, and the battle was between “Chef” and “Wally” – granted, this was all before “The Bear” came out. Personally, and even though it might’ve gotten old after a while, I think it would’ve been hilarious to train your dog by continuously yelling “Yes, Chef!” at him.


Cow is a lovely, spotted cat owned by my good friend Selah Hunter, whom he shares a birthday with. Originally, Cow was thought to be a girl (originally named Miss Cow Baby), but since revealing his true gender, he’s been developing many teenage-boy traits – including being stinky (kidding, Selah). He absolutely loves carbs, and his favorite foods include ravioli, french fries, and name brand tortilla chips (and, like a normal cat, he loves salmon and tuna)! He’s since come around to strangers (the bravest boy), even including them in his foot fetish – he tends to rub on people’s feet and latch onto them. Lastly, Cow has been the single-handed killer of up to seven house plants, he loves scratching expensive furniture and most of all, he absolutely hates time out. This is Cow in one of his many special occasion outfits, his little strawberry harness – usually coupled with a really cool gold chain.