Picnic in the Park draws large crowd

Photos by Ines Sainz de la Masa and Anna Robertson

Written by Caro Moya 

Forsyth bustled with life as families and friends gathered on Sunday, Oct. 2 for one of the most celebrated community events of the year: Picnic in the Park. This year’s theme? Under the Stars and Stripes.

There was no shortage of patriotic pride as hundreds of people partook in the decorations that lined the edges of the park. The colors, red, white and blue mingled with a variety of scents to create an atmosphere of camaraderie and enjoyment. Children chased each other around while adults sat, sipping beverages sand sharing laughs; the sense of community, empowering.

The event began around 4 p.m., with live music and food on display. SCAD’s very own Performance Ensemble filled the stage at 4:45 p.m. The group, directed by Kevin Wallace, performed alongside SCAD’s Drumline. The crowd tapped their feet and nodded their heads in time to the beat of “This Love” by Canadian artist Mear, “Say (All I Need)” by One Republic and “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele.

Three soloists wowed the spectators; among them was Jesús Pineda, who we had a chance to speak with beforehand. Although we met up specifically to discuss his solo, Jesús made it clear that he didn’t consider this an individual achievement.

“We are a team,” he said, smiling sheepishly “That’s the great part, it’s an ensemble.” He could not have said it better; everyone’s voices were working in together unison. To top it off, the Drumline, complete with decorative outfits, riled the crowd up further with their rhythmic beats. They were rewarded with a booming applause that spread through the audience.

Although the theme never wavered from patriotism, everyone seemed to have a different take on it. The Cousins, a group of people from all over the country, put together a picnic stand titled “Peace, Love and Patriotism.” The colorful 1960’s décor, a cut-out of a hippie van and a huge, intricate “Welcome Home” sign attracted visitors to the stand.

Other picnic displays included a stand by Savannah’s Mint Julep Queens, who served everything from traditional fried chicken to glasses of wine. These ladies donned green gowns and tiaras.

The event displayed the wide variety of groups and individuals that are living in Savannah. For those who missed out, there’s always next year.

Caro is a writing major, avid coffee drinker, and aspiring travel journalist. When she isn’t writing, she’s usually day-dreaming of exotic, faraway places she wants to visit.