
Savannah names 2017 Picnic in the Park ‘Lights, Camera, Music’

Savannah will hold its annual Picnic in the Park event Sunday, October 8 in Forsyth Park. The theme of this year’s event, sponsored by the Savannah Philharmonic and the City of Savannah’s Department of Cultural Affairs, is “Lights, Camera, Music” and will feature famous movie scores performed by local music groups like Savannah Philharmonic, the Savannah Classical Academy’s String Conservatory and the Savannah High School Band.

Picnic in the Park is continually the largest outdoor musical event in Savannah, attracting nearly 20,000 people from the city and surrounding communities. The day also features elaborate “picnic” displays from local individuals, groups and businesses.

“In the spirit of the event, attendees are encouraged to bring a picnic,” said the City of Savannah in a press release, “as well as participate in the Hollywood-themed picnic venue contest, which always results in many impressive and elaborate gourmet smorgasbords, accented by inspiring décor that cleverly reflects the theme. There will be a first-, second- and third-place picnic table contest winner.”

Anyone interested in the picnic display contest can register the day of at the event. Other Savannah residents can simply enjoy the innovative picnic displays and live music at this free, family-friendly event.

Picnic in the Park begins at 3:30 p.m. and the Savannah Philharmonic will start their performance at 7:00 p.m.

For a sneak peek of Picnic in the Park, revisit District’s coverage of last year’s event here.

Written by Shelby Loebker.