Meditate at the SCAD Museum of Art
Written by Ally Abruscato. Photo courtesy of Kristin Poitras
For anyone interested in enjoying art and easing anxiety, the meditation workshops at the SCAD Museum of Art are the perfect chance to do both! The 30 minute sessions are held in the museum galleries and are free to all students. The facilitators, the curator DJ Hellerman and two members of Bee Well guide the group through the meditations. Although they might differ from week to week, each session focuses on admiring the artwork and seeing it through a different lens.
Meditation is known to have many benefits for the body and mind. Kristin Poitras, the coordinator of museum visitation, believes that meditation can help students “lower stress levels, improve attention and focus, concentrate longer, cope with stress better and promote a greater happiness and well-being.” There’s a lot to gain from meditation, and students are lucky to have this opportunity at their disposal every Friday at the SCAD MOA.
The museum is great for a lot of reasons, and the meditation workshops make it even better! These sessions show the variety of ways the MOA can aid students in having a great time at SCAD. Poitras says that her “favorite part about hosting students in the museum for meditation is getting to show them more ways to utilize the museum!”
Even if you’ve never meditated before, the workshops are open to everyone at all levels of experience. Those with yoga mats are welcome to bring them or anyone can use one of the cushions provided by the museum. The next session is this Friday, February 25th at 9:15 am. If you have any questions, feel free to check out the museum website or reach out to Kristin Poitras at kpoitras@scad.edu. The meditation workshops are a great way to mentally prepare for finals season, so make your way to the MOA this Friday!