SCAD Radio hosts music trivia night for students
Written by Vinay Ranganathan, Photographs by Nadia Nugent

Trustees Theater is normally home to many live events such as the SCAD Savannah Film Festival, movie screenings and student activities. Due to COVID-19, many of these events have been impossible. Despite this, however, some events are held in a safe and socially distant environment to bring back some of the college experience to SCAD students. On Jan. 21 at 8 p.m. SCAD Radio held a music trivia night to connect students and have some fun.
Buses ran between all the residence halls and took attendees to Trustees Theater. In order to comply to COVID-19 guidelines, temperature checks, sanitizer stations and proof of a health check were required before entering the theater. Once inside, open seats were spread out in order to facilitate a safe environment.

SCAD Radio Events Director and DJ, Cher Schaffer, hosted the event which consisted of different rounds including, 2000s music, 90s and earlier, misheard lyrics and music video trivia. Played through Kahoot!, at stake was more than bragging rights, winners also received a $10 gift card to The Coffee Fox.
As everyone found their seats and the Kahoot! music began, we were ready to start the event. Each game ended with a different winner and every question had people on the edges of their seats waiting for an answer.

The event succeeded in its goal to get students out of their rooms for a night of fun, all while adhering to COVID-19 guidelines. “I thought the event was fun, the separation of everyone in the big theater made it strange, but I understood [why they did it] and that didn’t really detract from the trivia,” first-year film and television student Jacob Morilak said.
“The format of the trivia games worked in a COVID sense. Kahoot! is great at allowing for trivia to be played by a large group of people at a distance and for that I think it was fine,” Morilak added.

Second-year student Milo Kolvik-Campbell agreed, “I believe SCAD is doing an excellent job when it comes to COVID-19 for in-person events.”
Missed this event but want to be a part of another? Email involvement@scad.edu to hear about future events, or suggest an event.