SCAD upperclassmen share advice to wrapping up fall quarter
Written by Ruth Wudtke, Illustration by Avery Helmer
As the quarter begins wrapping up, anxieties rise and burnout starts to set in. Dealing with the stress of upcoming deadlines and keeping yourself motivated throughout this demanding time can be rough. Because of this, it’s important to know the tips and tricks to help keep up with your work and stay healthy.
Through the past few years here at SCAD, upperclassmen have been able to gather some tips through their years and experiences of finals, managing hectic schedules and adding those final touches on projects. Having ideas on managing your work and balancing the busy classes while staying afloat can be helpful during these coming weeks. Ariana Vasquez, a third-year illustration student, was able to provide a few tips on how to keep on top of work and wrap up the quarter. “While it’s tempting, do not pull any all-nighters. Please stay well-rested and take care of yourself during finals,” said Vasquez.
Even though projects begin to pile up rather quickly, your mental and physical health matters first. No project is worth sacrificing your health for and it’s important always to remember that, whether that’s during finals or throughout your upcoming quarters at SCAD. It’s crucial to recognize precisely how bad all-nighters are on your mental and physical health. All-nighters can create extra stress, fluctuate your mood, make it hard to concentrate and even cause chronic pain.
Adero Brooks, a fourth-year architecture major, said “Celebrate your accomplishments. You survived a quarter at SCAD. Take some time to be proud of yourself and your work!”
It’s important to celebrate yourself and the work you’ve accomplished. Looking back in retrospect and allowing yourself to be proud is an excellent way of relaxing and feeling accomplished in everything you’ve been able to achieve. Finding time to celebrate all that you’ve done during this quarter is important and a great way to bring yourself back from any burnout you’ve been experiencing.
Besides cleaning up, finishing up assignments and making final plans with friends, keeping yourself proud of your achievements and staying healthy should always be your first priority. So, remember to relax, get some sleep and allow yourself time to feel proud of everything you’ve done here, regardless of if it is your first quarter or your tenth!