scAD Wars: Quizno’s “Toasty Torpedo”

scAD Wars is brought to you by Advertising Design professor Sean Trapani’s Copywriting for Broadcast class.


So, Kelly, it’s 2 a.m. You should be studying. But your derrière is firmly planted on the couch. It’s getting around that time that your empty belly is talking to you more than Conan.

A seductive, unexpected commercial flashes on your screen – grabbing the attention of your mind and stomach.

“Over 12 inches of long, hot, juicy, filling Quiznos flavor perfection for only foooour dollars,” it purrs.

How can you tell me that those words alone haven’t stopped you in your tracks?

That’s my point. Whether it’s food or something else on your mind, Quizno’s has just given both of us a little whiplash.

Unexpected? You better believe it.

And why not put a commercial out there that’s going to raise a little buzz? They want people to talk about their commercial, get friends to YouTube it in class or post it on their blog.

That’s what’s going to get people to actually remember their product when it comes to noon lunch break and you have no idea where you want to go.

Another burger, taco or Cobb salad? Not today.

They’re thinking about that erotic commercial that interrupted the new episode of “Ugly Betty” last night in a good way.

Why would I think a commercial so scandalous, so raunchy and so flabbergasting could even be considered a good ad?

It’s because it is so raunchy, scandalous and flabbergasting. So next time you’re cruising around playing the “where to get lunch today” game with your passenger, you know you’ll be thinking about that over 12 inches of hot, juicy, Quizno’s flavor goodness called a Torpedo for only “foooooour dollars.”


Callie, you myopic twit, if they’re targeting the people you troll for –13 year olds who are amused by suggestive juvenile dialogue– Quizno’s has hit the bull’s-eye.
Quizno’s is trying way too hard with their new TV spot.

It’s actually quite stunning that it took so long for a company to point out the phallic form of subs. How genius! I mean it’s not as if it just as easily could have been burritos, popsicles and the list goes on.

I suppose we should just be grateful that they didn’t wrap it in a condom.

Sex sells. Blah, blah, blah. Does it really sell everything?

I don’t know about you, but I definitely could have done without hearing an oven beg a cook to put a foot long hot sub in him. That’s not my fantasy.

Also, it’s really pathetic that the guy they chose was the best they could find. It seems like they picked one of their friends who wanted to be on TV rather than a real actor.

“Scott” couldn’t be less convincing as a Quizno’s worker. He seemed as though he was just reciting the memorized script instead of acting the role. Whatever job he was doing before the commercial, he needs to stick with that.

So now, thanks to this absurd commercial, Quizno’s will be thought as the sub shop that gets a little too close to their ovens.

I don’t know that I’d want Scott touching my torpedo. That’s just a bit too disturbing.

Maybe you would have some perspective on good ideas if you stopped watching “Ugly Betty” and put on the History Channel once in a while.