SCAD’s barn cats entertain equestrian students
Photos by Cady Voyer
At the heart of every equestrian facility is at least one barn cat. Feline companions come in every shape, size and color and their personalities range from the near-feral mouser to the laid back lap cat. The cats often become barn mascots; they may not play a major role in the way a barn functions but without them something would certainly be missing.
SCAD’s Equestrian facility is home to seven barn cats: three true and devoted mousers, Yellow Cat (sometimes known as Chernobyl), Black Cat and Fluffy Cat; the brothers of the main barn, Timmy and Peanut; and the kittens Oliver Twist and Marty McFly. Aside from Timmy and Peanut, who were adopted from a local vet, all of the other cats either took up residence at SCAD’s equestrian facility of their own volition. They all have free range of the property and can be spotted on any given day sunning on the porch, strolling leisurely across the lawn or purring contentedly in the lap of a student.
The Mousers:
Yellow Cat, Black Cat and Fluffy Cat are by far the most elusive of SCAD’s menagerie. However, they are also the hardest working. These three make sure any pesky rodents stay away from the property and out of the feed rooms. If they are not out patrolling for prey, they can be found lounging in the ornamental grasses or enjoying the Main Barn’s sun-warmed concrete porch. Although they may seem aloof or uninterested at times, they do enjoy human contact on their own terms. Occasionally, they will approach and ask for attention from students who sit quietly and unobtrusively on the porch and during off-hours they come by the barn begging Michelle, the office manager, for treats.
Timmy and Peanut:
Timmy and Peanut spend the majority of their days in leisure. They have outgrown the recklessness of kittenhood and are more than content to roll in the freshly laundered polos, catch a few rays (instead of mice) and slumber in the laps of any student or staff that will pander to their mewls. They can be found in the main barn’s trophy room, as the new barn is far too long a trek for their pampered paws. Timmy adores Equestrian Studies Director, Eddie Federwisch, and never ventures too far from his office. Timmy and Peanut are by far the best cuddlers on property and are wonderful at distracting students from that pesky, never-ending list of homework to complete. Although their behavior and activities mimic that of a house cat, their namesakes, Timothy and Peanut Hay, seal their titles as barn cats.
Marty and Oliver:
Marty and Oliver are the newest additions to SCAD’s Equestrian Facility. They are close to 10 months old and enjoy strutting down the new barn’s aisles, napping in Coach Ashley Henry’s office chair and racing across the lawn. They are rambunctious and full of energy; their antics and games of chase are often hilarious and entertaining. However, despite the fact that these two are almost inseparable, their personalities are rather unique. Marty is far more social and has no problem begging for attention. He will plant himself in front of students or staff and “yell” at them until he is picked up. Oliver, on the other hand, is much more aloof. He is content to wander, investigating every nook, cranny and shrubbery. He is not completely convinced that cuddling is worth his time. All the students and staff look forward to watching these brothers grow.