SCAD’s declassified school survival guide: how to prepare for Career Fair 2020
Written by Colleen Miller, Photo courtesy of SCAD
As SCAD students and alumni prepare for the much-anticipated career fair, many questions arise, and taking full advantage of this opportunity is oftentimes a concern. So, how do students and alumni navigate preparing for SCAD’s largest career fair yet?
What is the career fair?
SCAD Career Fair is an opportunity for students and alumni to meet with potential employers, network and ask questions about their respective fields.
Who can attend?
Regardless of class standing, the career fair is open to all SCAD students and alumni. Doors open for juniors, seniors and graduate students at 10 a.m. For those who have completed level two of their career action plan may enter at 9 a.m. Freshmen and sophomores are welcome at 1 p.m.
When and where is it?
Be ready Friday, February 21 to arrive at the new location, the Savannah Civic Center [next to Oglethorpe House].
What can I expect?
The SCAD Career Fair is “energized” and “charged with possibility,” said Sean McGee, SCAD Career Adviser and Career Fair Preparation Team Leader. More than 150 companies meet with an average of 3,700 students and alumni.
Although some companies offer onsite interviews, don’t necessarily expect a job offer. Instead view the experience as an opportunity to network and receive feedback.
Who can I contact for help with preparation?
“Everyone is a resource,” McGee said. He typically advises students to utilize their peers and faculty to review resumes, portfolio material and even practice interview techniques. “It’s helpful to have another set of eyes,” McGee said.
Speaking with students who have previously participated is also valuable. Everyone has important insights, so don’t limit conversations to those in your major. The SCAD Career Fair website and app provide beneficial information, as does the SCAD Job Portal. Most importantly, make an appointment to meet with your career adviser to discuss a game plan tailored to suit your individual needs.

What can I do to prepare?
Presenting a strong cover letter, resume and portfolio is only half the battle. In order to map out which booths to stop at, start researching the companies who are attending this year’s fair. Printing business cards and creating a free online portfolio with Behance allows for a more efficient approach to networking. Check out Career and Alumni Success workshops by visiting SCAD Job Portal > Events > Workshops for even more preparation.
What should I do as an international student?
ISSO holds workshops every Friday that provide information about work authorization in the U.S. Their website is a helpful resource for information surrounding visas and support networks. Look for their table at the Career Fair for free consultations with an immigration attorney and other advice. In the ISSO newsletter be sure to register for a workshop in the O House Ballroom the day of the career fair to hear more from the immigration attorney and learn about changes to the H1-B visa.
What do I wear? What do I bring?
As the old adage goes, dress for the job you want, not the one you have. Dress professionally and bring a cover letter, resume, business cards and portfolio. Don’t forget to have a backup plan, too. Most importantly, bring questions – the SCAD Career Fair is a learning experience, so be curious.
What if I don’t know what I’m looking for?
Have no fear, a career adviser is happy to help. To make an appointment to speak one-on-one with an adviser visit the SCAD Job Portal > Counseling Appt > Request New Appointment.
Remember, the Career Fair is an opportunity to learn more about creative industries and network with potential employers. “Just show up,” McGee said. Whether it’s attending a workshop, employer visit or the fair itself, SCAD and Career and Alumni Success are excited to see what each students’ future holds.