Written by Sevyn Michaela-Rose. Photo courtesy of Bri Burke.
“I like having a purpose,” said Bri Burke, this edition’s “Senior Spotlight” as she reflected on her senior project. With the SCAD year coming to a close, seniors everywhere are researching, prototyping and designing with goals to complete their senior projects with success. Burke is no exception. As a fashion marketing major and beauty and fragrance minor, she explained over a zoom call what her senior capstone is going to look like.
“My aim for my senior project is to create a unisex kids wear line––graphic tees and hoodies––in collaboration with Gap and nonprofit organization, The Bee Conservancy. While having appealing merchandise, this line will offer an educational aspect as well,” said Burke.
Growing up, Burke wanted to be a teacher, so the educational component of her project is something she’s passionate about. She said, “I want to create a fun and trendy kids wear line that holds a purpose. The inspiration behind this line is creating a space where today’s youth can be educated on saving the environment. Saving the bees is vital to our earth and often overlooked.”
As someone who’s an advocate for mental health, women empowerment, and environmental education, Burke feels excited for what is to come in her work. Examples of her vision and advocacy can be seen in a previous fashion project pictured below that focused on the importance of second hand shopping––a practice that’s sustainable for the environment.

Upon seeing how passionate she was about her work, I asked her how she discovered fashion marketing and beauty and fragrance in the first place. In other words, how did she know this is what she wanted to do? Burke smiled and reflected, “Fashion and beauty have always been a part of my life––mainly from my mom and her sisters, you know, growing up trying on their dresses and shoes.” Not only is there deep passion rooted in the purpose of her work, but also a personal tie that stems from her childhood and family.
Burke goes on to explain what makes fashion marketing so fun for her: “In fashion marketing there’s a lot of group projects, teamwork and collaboration with other students. I really like working together, even if it’s an individual project when you’re staying up late with your friends, helping each other and being there for each other.” It’s evident that creative collaboration is something that really inspires Burke.
And to all the rising seniors at SCAD, Burke said, “Just believe in yourself. Senior year is tough with a lot of projects and applying for jobs, but just know you’ve made it. You’re doing great work, and there are professors and friends around you that are willing to help you.” As for Burke herself, she will continue creating, advocating, and most importantly, rooting her work within a purpose.
Instagram: @bri.burke