Photo courtesy of the BLITZOMANIA Facebook page
This Coming Friday, Feb. 26 at 4:30 p.m. Sketch Mob is hosting “BLITZOMANIA,” a fast-paced and friendly sketching competition. The event will be held in the yellow warehouse across from the SCAD Museum of Art, at 526 Turner Blvd.
Sketch Mob, the student-run industrial design based sketching frenzy hopes BLITZOMANIA will create an all-inclusive competition where students and Savannah community members alike can showcase their skills, meet some new people, and have a little fun. All levels and styles of sketchers are welcome.
“I really hope it’s a limitless spectrum of talent,” said Justin Montan, a fourth-year industrial design major from New Philadelphia, Ohio.
Sketch Mob operates with no representatives or titles, but as far as Blitzomania is concerned, Montan can be referred to as “team captain.”
According to Montan, Sketch Mob is in partnership with SCAD Intramurals, so there will be referees and a shot clock at the event to “keep the games in line.”
Events will include interactive sketching games based around all the different types of sketching. The goal is to create an environment that many different majors might enjoy. So for sequential artists there will be storyboarding games, for industrial designers there will be product design games. Montan hopes to include life drawing in the night’s events as well.
“It should be a pretty fast-paced type of play,” said Montan.
According to the event’s Facebook page, the sketch teams will be judged on their teamwork, sketch quality, creativity and pizzas. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.
To compete in BLITZOMANIA, you must be one of the first 60 people at the door. Ten teams of six will compete in six rounds of 15-minute competitions.
If you can’t make it to the event, but are still interested in becoming a part of Sketch Mob, Mobs are held every Tuesday night at 7 p.m. in SCAD’s Gulfstream kitchen.
For more information on the event, visit the BLITZOMANIA Facebook page. To become a part of the Sketch Mob discussions, visit their Facebook group.