“Home is intrinsic to spring. It is made and unmade, chosen and protected like a lucky trinket. It is this and that, them and us, here and there. We leave and return, over and over again. This issue is dedicated to home in every form it takes,” says Emma Pilger, chief copy editor, in the editor’s letter for the latest issue of Square 95
Square 95 is District’s official student-run literary arts magazine. With previous issues focusing on the outdoors, identity and autonomy, the newest issue of Square 95 focuses on home. The Home Issue includes work from some of SCAD’s best writers, photographers and graphic designers, creating a magazine that is both impressive and heartfelt.
Slow down and unwind from finals week with Square 95’s outstanding poetry and prose. To view the Home Issue, click here.
If you are interested in submitting to the next issue of Square 95, stay updated through District’s Instagram. Submissions for Volume 3, Issue 1 will open in the Fall.