Student creates festival for college artists

Written by Eve Katz, Image courtesy of The J is for Jamboree

Many turn to either their own creative pursuits or are finding comfort in their favorite artists during the uncertainty that has been 2020. Jordan Petteys, a third-year fibers student, witnessed an untapped burst of creativity from those around her and got an idea: an arts festival for college artists that would help them promote their work.

“A lot of my friends recently started businesses to make up for lost work due to the pandemic,” said Petteys. “They finally had a little extra time during quarantine or wanted to turn a passion into an income.”

So many artists are taught the importance of networking, but the way to do so has changed with COVID-19 regulations canceling many in-person events. “[My friends] couldn’t build in-person relationships with their customers since they were forced to function almost entirely online,” said Petteys.

Petteys has called the arts festival The J is for Jamboree, explaining she drew inspiration from the atmosphere of music festivals and jamborees being “eclectic celebrations.”

“I wanted to give [artists] a safe and affordable opportunity to set up their shop in person to formally introduce their work to the community,” said Petteys. “Creating a safe environment for people to establish in-person relationships is important to building a loyal customer base.”

The lineup of artists who will be present at J is for Jamboree includes By the Wings, a jewelry shop, Her Boutique by Hannah, a collection of affordable vintage fashion, Kindred Spirits Photography and more. The artists will be able to introduce themselves alongside their work and make connections with the community.

“I want to create an environment where people feel empowered knowing that the artwork they hang up, wear and gift was created by someone they feel personally connected to because they met them at this event,” said Petteys.

J is for Jamboree takes place Nov. 14 from 3-7 p.m. at the Community Bible Church located at 1112 East 69th Street. More information can be found on the festival’s Instagram page.