At about 2 p.m. on Jan. 7, a male student fell from the window of a third story Boundary Village dorm room. The student was verbally responsive at the scene and able to sit upright before leaving in an ambulance, wearing a neck brace.
Graduate game development student John Benge lives in the second-story dorm beneath the room that the student fell from. He was home with his roommates at the time.
“We heard somebody fall. [My roommate] saw him actually go by [the window]. When we got down there, he was unconscious, but the security guard was able to get him up and sit him up. He was kind of talking a little bit, and he was able to give him his social security number, his information and stuff,” Benge said.
The roommates were among other witnesses that watched as SCAD Security and paramedics attended to the student.
“He seemed to be doing OK, I guess. We all kind of let the professionals do their thing,” Benge said.
Paramedics arrived and the student was transported from the scene. The residential assistant and roommate were not made available for comment and the student has not been identified. Reports indicate he resides in building three. His current condition is unknown.