Surviving spring quarter: six tips for getting through spring
Written by Kaitlynne Rainne, Graphic by Kaitlynne Rainne
The days are longer and the weather is warmer. That can only mean one thing: spring quarter is here! This is the final stretch before the summer, when most students get a break from all-nighters, endless Zoom calls and frantically questioning, “Do I even know what I’m doing anymore?”
School work can be challenging and it can be exhausting; burn out can creep up on you without warning. With so many deadlines looming and end-of-year events piling up, it can be hard to keep up and get a grip. Don’t worry, I know exactly how you feel and to help, here’s a “spring quarter survival guide” with some new tips on how to get through this home stretch.
- Rearrange your space if you can! Sitting at the same desk space all year can be monotonous and creatively uninspiring. Changing up the layout, adding a few new wall art prints, reorganizing your supplies and even placing your desk by a window can be game-changing. Also, it’s okay to do this often. I’ve been there and have rearranged my space at least twice every quarter thus far, so believe me when I say this works!
- Schedule breaks. Seriously, get a post-it note, calendar or planner and schedule breaks into your day. During these times, you are allowed to do what you want: nap, binge your favorite show, do a hobby, the world is your oyster. If you want to sit and stare at a wall for fifteen minutes every day, you do you!
- Reach out to professors. I know. I know. It’s been said before, but professors realize that it’s the end and understand how stressed you might be. So, if you need extensions or to talk through projects, don’t hesitate to reach out to them.
- Go outside. Yes, everyone and their grandma recommends it. But seriously, it is springtime. The warm weather, even on those overcast days, makes it ideal for evening walks, afternoon picnics, morning runs and anything in between that can help you get out of your space for a bit.
- Attend other events besides your classes. I know that your schedule might be packed but if you can make time for one or a couple extra events, it can help with breaking up the tedium of virtual learning. SCAD offers a wide range of Guests and Gusto events and virtual workshops. If you live on campus, there are also quite a few residence life and housing programs that you can check out weekly.
- Last but not least, I want to share a quote with you that I’m starting to really consider in my own life: “Don’t overload, let the days come as they come.”
There’s so much advice we can impart to one another, but I believe that if you are going to survive and thrive in this final stretch, it’s important to remember that you are, first and foremost, a human. There’s only so much you can take. So, my friends, sit down with yourself and recognize how much you can take before it becomes too much. Understand that you need rest, cars can’t run on empty. Cheesy, I know, but, we at District care about you and want you to be the best version of yourself.
Learn to slow down when you need it, and to work according to your own pace. Trust me, your mind and body will thank you. We’ve got eight weeks of spring quarter left bees, let’s make them count!
Kaitlynne Rainne is the Chief Copy Editor for District. As an editor and a writer, Kaitlynne is passionate about storytelling in all genres of writing and helping others find their voice. Her work ranges from profiles, spotlights, and advice pieces. In her free time, Kaitlynne loves going on walks, making oddly specific Spotify playlists, reading and working on her novel.