Ten from the Top: Surviving Midterms
Ten from the Top is the weekly column of the very honest and often snarky thoughts of District’s editor-in-chief.
We are ALL feeling it. The screws are tightening, the work is increasing and every other person is sick, it’s just madness. Midterms is also the terrifying realization that you are halfway done but only halfway done.
1. Wash your hands: Purell is your best friend. Touch nothing, trust no one and if they say it’s just allergies back away slowly with disinfectant at the ready.
2. Plan everything: Look at those syllabi buried somewhere in the recess of your backpack and figure out what is due and when. Sometimes it nicely spaces itself out for you over the whole week, other times you know you just won’t sleep on Tuesday, but believe me, it is very important to know.
3. Make Comfort Food: mac and cheese, brownies, pancakes, Hot Pockets, Pop Tarts and yes: two of everything. Stress eating is wonderful and you can pretend to lose the weight after the midterms.
4. Stay off Netflix: Right now is not the time to start a new season. I know it’s tempting. “I’ll study with Netflix in the background.” No, you won’t or you will look at the clock at 3 a.m., full of regret.
5. Hang out at Monty: Just like a casino, Monty has no windows, large screens and pumps in oxygen (or so I’ve been told.)
6. Find your comfiest clothes: Be prepared to be that person you mocked week one in their pajamas. In fact, you will not get out of your pajamas or into your bed for a solid three days.
7. Go for a walk: Get outside, breathe air — not from Monty –, interact with people and feel the sun on your face. It’s really worth it, actually.
8. Treat Yo’self: Seriously, remember: you are only human and humans need chocolate. Also, treat yourself to sleep, it is really a luxury and power naps are your best friend. After Purell, of course.
9. Really Big Coffees: Or any other way to get a steady stream of caffeine into your system at all times.
10. Hang in there: Get a recovery spot ready because Thursday will come eventually and Netflix and your couch will be waiting for you.