Ten from the Top: Things About College I’m Tired of Hearing
Ten from the Top is the weekly column of the very honest and often snarky thoughts of District’s editor-in-chief.
How many times have you struck a pleasant conversation with someone and as soon as you mention you are a college student it suddenly becomes awkward (office full of staff raises hands.) Thought so. College is hard to relate to and while SCAD makes it somewhat easier, sometimes having a such a separation – read diversity – of majors can make it worse. Well then, here we go; this doesn’t reduce the awkwardness in the slightest, but at least it’s being said here and now.
- Please stop asking me what my major is.
If I tell you I go to art school and you say “that’s nice,” you don’t really care what I do, so we can just ignore it and move on.
- I am not always in need of your help simply because I am paying student loans.
I don’t need your pity. I am an independent adult ready to make all of the life altering mistakes I can and I do not want your advice or help. … But actually, some food would be kind of nice.
- “I go to art school because I WANT to, not because I have to.”
I swear I only have to say this to the people that had a lower GPA than me in high school. I can guarantee I am still smarter than you and your “business” degree from No-Name Community College, even if I go to an art school.
- If I live here, this is my home, not my hometown.
(Please stop trying to relate to me with it by saying you drove through it on that one road trip to Boston you took.) I left there for a reason and it might be the same reason I don’t talk with the people from my high school anymore. Hmm.
- “Oh my cousin’s niece goes to SCAD. You must know her, right?”
Of course, it’s just eight thousand of my closest friends and I here.
- I have no clue where I am working when I graduate.
Two years ago if you told me I would be in charge of a school paper I would have laughed at you for a solid ten minutes. Plans change. A lot.
- Yes I am a photographer, and no I will not do your kid’s portrait.
- “Aren’t you worried you won’t get a job?”
Hahahaha. I could do your job better than you if I wanted to. If college has taught me valuable one thing, and that is that I am above nothing in terms of employment.
- Because I am in college does not mean I want to hear your life/success story from after graduation.
It’s great that you were on the basketball team that went to March Madness, and please recount your memoir of why that is so helpful in working as assistant executive manager.
- Hard work is not even close to what we do here.
Other schools have keggers, we have gallery exhibits. They have fraternities, we have studio all-nighters fueled by too much coffee. SCAD is different from every other school out there and we work our asses off. Period.