Ten from the Top: things for graduation

Ten from the Top is the weekly column of the very honest and often snarky thoughts of District’s editor-in-chief.

Graduates, I’m sure at this point you are both thrilled and terrified for the prospect of the real world. You have been out on your own making real decisions — terrible or otherwise — for many years. Now it is time to stop being an adult and be your parents’ little baby. Brace yourself for all the pictures, teary-eyed realizations and drama that can only come from a loving, supportive, gigantic pain of a family. But beware: this is also the last time you can ask for basically anything you have ever wanted, including that unicorn you are still waiting on from second grade without it being held over your head indefinitely. Here are a few of my best ideas on just the sort of over the top gifts you could get, unicorn idea optional.

1. A really, really, really fancy dinner.

Ever had crab stuffed groupe? No? Me neither. Put aside that starving artist mentality and eat like there is no tomorrow. Places like The Olde Pink House, Vic’s on the River and Elizabeth on 37th are good places to start but I’m sure you’ll find far more expensive places if you look harder.

2. A car.

Dealing with buses and bikes is no longer cute, but sad. If your family can pay for tuition in the blink of an eye — and granted, not many can — better take them up on it and get some wheels. Or at least something that runs and can get you to and from your unpaid internship.

3. Money.

Every graduate’s dream of paying off those student loans could come true. Or you know at least maybe be able to pay the minimum for a little while.

4. A pet.

OK,  you managed to keep yourself alive for the last four years I think you are finally responsible enough to care for another living thing, preferably a fuzzy one. Better have the folks pay for the vet bills though, and the food and the pet while you’re at it.

5. Round trip tickets to come home.

If you are one of the rare few, like me, that enjoys your family (and their cooking, and cleaning and overall fawning over you) a few tickets for a visit isn’t bad. It means that next time your younger brother has a competition, or your sister is getting an award you get to see it. Plus it is prime for the inevitable point in which you give up and go back home to wallow in your failures as an adult during your vacation time.

6. Professional work clothes.

Ripped jeans and your SCAD sweatshirt may have cut it for studio, but now it’s time to step up. Have mom buy you a blazer and a decent pair of shoes or two for those job interviews, if nothing else, and they will last you for years.

7. Starbucks giftcard.

Hey, you have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle here and those three to four cups of coffee a day have to come from somewhere. Besides, it is something your tight fisted Aunt Susie would actually consider getting for you.

8. A watch.

Being an adult you will be expected to be on time for things like meetings, work and graduations. Might as well get something you enjoy wearing, and get used to it now because it is like permanently slapping responsibility on your wrist.

9. A trip.

Preferably without your family. But hey, if they’re paying sure, why not? Better make it some place cool though. Can you say Florence? (Bonus: Take them to a museum or two and put that stuff you learned in Art History to good use, for once.)

10. A few months worth of rent.

OK, this is incredibly boring but oh so practical. Raise your hand if you are super positive you are getting a job the second you graduate. Huh, not many. Now raise your hand if you expect to live somewhere with a roof and a floor that preferably is family free after graduation. Thought so.