Ten from the Top: Things you really should be doing
Ten from the Top is the weekly column of the very honest and often snarky thoughts of District’s editor-in-chief.
Back in the swing of the quarter and already things are being forgotten. Laundry is piling up, dishes are growing things in the sink and messages go unattended. It’s almost like we are getting busy with the mountainous piles of schoolwork or something. I’m not saying these things are high on the priorities list, but they should maybe go a few notches higher.
1. Check your email, often
And by often I mean constantly! Most of us have it on our phone anyways, so you really don’t get an excuse. A lot of opportunities or important information come through there. Whether it be a cancelled class or a 95% off sale for the next hour from your favorite store.
2. Productive procrastination
Now, I have mastered the art of putting things off and only because I do other things I still need to get done anyways. Killing an hour at Target trying on clothes is fine as long as you also get some groceries, or walking to clear your head in the general direction of Blick to get supplies. It’s all about wasting time with a payoff at the end.
3. Internet browsing
Though Buzzfeed quizzes are fantastic, they’re not the most helpful things in the world. Some mindless internet browsing will do you some good and sites like Pintrest can even double as “artistic inspiration” if you need to convince someone.
4. Clean your house
For the love of God, please do not forget this. Nothing will sneak up on you faster than dirty sheets and crusty silverware, especially since it is so terrible to do it all at once and it can deprive you of a whole day!
5. Call somebody to talk
And I do mean call. Texting doesn’t always cut it but a conversation really makes a big difference to friends back home, or that family that wants to talk about more then just college loans with you.
6. Keep up with the news
It is not always sad crisis on TV but when it is, chances are you should know something about it. Twitter feeds or Facebook notifications don’t always cut it and knowing what’s going on outside our SCAD bubble is going to make you seem like a cultured, self-aware person who actually knows what they are doing.
7. Make yourself laugh
When was the last time you had a good, deep belly-aching laugh? Not, that ha ha *snicker* or just typing out lol but a real, genuine laugh? That’s what I thought. Watch some stand-up, go see a comedy or better yet just go watch the drunk people stumble around on River street and melt the stress away.
8. Those warning labels
Flashing engine lights, the fact that your key keeps getting stuck in your lock or that the storage on your phone is full. It really doesn’t seem like much now, but these are the things that get bad fast. So before your engine explodes, you get permanently locked out of your apartment in the cold or your phone commits technological suicide just take five minutes and give them a thorough check.
9. Get some sleep
I’ll let you in on a little secret here *whispers* all nighters don’t work. Stay up late but also sleep in later even if it is just one day a week because you definitely need it, trust me!
10. That cough
Very guilty of this one but please if you start to feel sick, miss class and go get some chicken soup. Let the roommates or significant other baby you and just lay there miserable stuffed full of as much nyquil as you can hold. Honestly a three week long cold is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies.