Ten from the Top: Thoughts After the First Weeks
Ten from the Top is the weekly column of the very honest and often snarky thoughts of District’s editor-in-chief. With only eight weeks left to go, here are her thoughts on the first weeks of spring quarter.
- Spring Break was definitely not long enough.
One week. Seriously, just one week between sleeping and ignoring responsibilities? I had almost no time to do nothing.
- St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah was not as crazy as the weekend before.
For all the very smart people who got out before festivities started, congratulations. You missed out on watching Savannah become the greenest and drunkest city for multiple days.
- Pre-quarter assignments.
Thank you. No really, I would love to do more drawing after working non-stop for the last two and a half months. Oh, and it is due in a week. Great. It is going to be like this until finals isn’t it? Great!
- “Please read the syllabus before class and come with materials.”
Ha, ha, ha yeah that’s not happening, especially with a $200+ shopping list of supplies.
- Textbooks.
Mandatory textbooks. Yes, we will be reading this textbook everyday. That means you will discuss the semi-important material two minutes before class with the one person in class that knows what in the world they are doing.
- People who miss the first class.
Come on, seriously? How hard is it to show up? You literally spend two hours reading four pieces of paper.
- Introducing yourself with discussions and posts on Blackboard.
Hi, my name is Katherine and I’m here because this is a pre-req for what I actually want to do. Also, I will never speak with most of you again this quarter.
- Projects due week 2.
See 4. Pre-quarter assignments (but with additional crying).
- Coffee Addiction.
Why yes this is my third cup of coffee today and no I don’t want to hear why you drink tea!
- Classes.
How can I already be this stressed? Is it too late to join the circus?