Written by Ky Tanella. Graphic by Izzy Anderson.

SCAD Fall Fest is an amazing day for new and old Bees alike, a time where every club comes together and advertises their brand and their awesome club members. This year, Fall Fest happened at the Hive, and I was so…excited to relive my freshman year experience! In case you missed it, I’m going to be compiling a list of stand-out clubs, some that really impressed me with their events, branding and choice of candy! If these don’t tickle your fancy, don’t fret, here is the compiled list of every club at SCAD!

  1. Women in Film (and Animation, and Games)

These are split into three separate clubs: Women in Film, Women in Animation, and Queer & Women Voices in Games. Everyone I talked to at the tables were very lovely, and eager to explain their goals and concepts to everyone! They also all had a Discord, and I can personally say for the Women in Film Club, they’re seriously passionate and organized!

  1. Slow Fashion Club

This is a club that totally stood out due to its concept, education and connection when it comes to clothing sustainability. This is awesome, I would totally check it out if you’re into fashion, and being more mindful of where you’re sourcing your clothes from!

  1. Scripted

As a Dramatic Writing major, I had to rep my besties over at SCAD Scripted. They’re seriously fantastic, and they have so many cool events throughout the year that are awesome opportunities to strengthen your writing skills and to network! Their first game night is on Sept. 27 at 5 p.m @ Arnold 142! 

  1. SISA & SCAD Latine, BSA and ASA

I visited most of the diversity tables at the fest, and everyone was so amazing! Specifically, SISA (SCAD Indian Student Association) hosts SCAD’s second largest event: The Diwali Festival!

  1. Lifting Bees

As a person with severe gym anxiety, it warmed my heart a little to stumble upon this table during my parking garage hop. They really strive to help you reach your fitness goals comfortably, and if you’re someone that’s been looking to get more into fitness, definitely reach out to them!

  1. SCAD Accessibility

The leaders at the table were so sweet, and they even gave me a free pop-it, yippee! This would be a great club to find fellow SCAD students with disabilities and accommodations, and one of their main goals is to “help educate staff and professors to better handle accommodations in the classroom,” which is super important!

  1. SCAD Manor/District

And of course, SCAD District (not biased at all)! They had really cool pins at their table which I WILL be putting on my tote bag. Both SCAD Manor and District are student-led journalism publications, while District focuses more on current/campus events, Manor specializes in fashion!

Everyone’s club is so amazing, and the people involved worked very hard to put themselves on the map and in students minds. Join as many clubs as you can, and have lots of fun! Please make sure to check out the master list for contact sheets, and to read about all the other clubs that were involved!