The Blake remains unfinished
Written by Isabella Roy
The Blake apartment sits tucked away, out of reach from tourists, locals and even its residents. Built and designed to attract students in the Savannah area with its long list of amenities, fully furnished bedrooms and the luxurious views of the city has gone from a dream living situation to an unfinished construction site.
Many students at SCAD hoped to be moved into their new homes the weekend before fall quarter but have now found themselves and their belongings stuck inside of a cluttered three-star hotel room as well as an unbreakable lease.
While still having to pay the full price of rent nearly a month after the expected move-in date, Interior Design student, and resident of The Blake, Courtney Roskosky, has become frustrated.
“It’s hard to be successful in class when you’re trying to live out of a hotel, I expected to be in an apartment at this point,” she says.
But having to make space in such a small hotel room and having to purchase her own drafting table so she can complete her work is not her only source of frustration, “My personal problem with being in the hotel is that I am Type 1 Diabetic and I typically have to keep up pretty strictly with my dietary needs.”
Without the kitchen that Roskosky was expecting to have which would allow her to keep a closer eye on her sugar intake, she struggles every day with keeping her health on track. And when this issue was brought up to The Blake management, Roskosky was told they could not do anything for her, but have given each resident a $175 stipend a week for food for the inconvenience.
The Blake has since apologized for the delay, stating that they had, “some unavoidable construction delays that impacted move-ins in September.” Residents say that they plan on moving half of them in within the next week, while management states that it will not be until later this month.