Produced, Edited and Voiced by Amy Stoltenberg
Mixed by Rummel Medina
In this episode of The Coup, Amy Stoltenberg investigates the topic of menstruation. Eight men join her in the recording studio to talk blood, embarrassment and how to end the stigma behind periods. Then, second year photography major Kiele Twarowski shares what it’s like to have a photograph reported and banned from Instagram for pushing the bloody line just a little bit too far.
Find Kiele’s work on her website and follow her on Instagram @flleurs
To learn more about The Coup and its producers, check out The Coup
Elisha Nain
Amy Stoltenberg
Rummel Medina
Alvin Martinez
Rummel is a Film and Television major from Caracas, Venezuela. He is in charge of coordinating and editing District’s audio and video content. He is also a co-host of District’s advice podcast The Mutiny!