The filmmaker’s guide to sustainability

Written by Ashley Wehrs, Graphics by Guests and Gusto, Images sourced from Praboo Arivananthan, Gabriela Perez Figuereo and Tori Gonzalez

Tandem Pictures is “for People, the Planet and Powerful storytelling.” Co-owners of Tandem Pictures, Jonathan Blitstein and Julie Christeas, joined Guests and Gusto to talk about their mission to create a greener film industry.

In a world that begs for sustainable practices, most students face a similar obstacle: big hearts, but small budgets. So how can students begin creating environmentally friendly sets?

1. Get your team on the same page

Every department have their own process and equipment that has the potential to impact the environment. Reach out to the head of each department and express your goals for sustainability. The more people on board, the more you’ll see these changes happening around the set.

2. Download the Green Production Guide

The Green Production Guide Toolkit offers resources to guide your production and reduce your environmental impact. Download their spreadsheet to get a breakdown of how sustainability can apply to every department.  

Completed projects that abide by the Green Production Guide can be recognized by the Environmental Media Association and earn colored seals.

3. Reuse, repurpose and borrow

Your friends, family and community are valuable resources. If you’re looking for a specific piece of clothing or furniture, ask. Odds are they’ll be happy to help. “We’re still begging, borrowing, and borrowing some more. I don’t know if that ever changes,” Christeas said. When the time comes, pay it forward.

Utilize local thrift stores and rentals. You’ll be ballin’ on a budget and decrease shipping emissions. When you’re done with the items you’ve purchased, Christeas recommends donating them. A fun perk: these items can be written off your taxes.

4. Be intentional about transportation and scouting

Google Maps and Airbnbs are great resources to preview areas without having to leave your house. When you have narrowed down your options, rent a hybrid or electric vehicle. The cost of renting an hybrid or electric vehicle is offset by the money you save on gas. Blitstein recommends using Orbitz and the Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid.

5. Work digitally (and remotely when possible)

Tandem Pictures uses QR codes to connect with their documents digitally. At any time, a crew or cast member can scan a code to preview a document.

They also use digital signatures, online accounting and Google Sheets. Their production accountant keeps one set of hard books and everything else is distributed electronically. “Whenever you can avoid printing, you should,” Blitstein and Christeas said.

For digital security concerns, Christeas recommended setting individualized entry codes for personal paperwork. Visual media can be protected through watermarks, access time limits and password protections.

6. Eliminate single-use plastic

Ask your cast and crew to bring their own reusable water bottle and hot Thermos. Recycling plastic is good but removing the need to recycle is even better.

7. Lighting

Reduce electricity usage by taking advantage of natural light whenever you can. If the weather permits, host your meetings outside.

8. Meals and Catering

Prioritize vegetarian and vegan food options to avoid dairy, land meat industries.

9. Look for scripts that support green values

The more sustainable values you see in the scripts you’re producing, the easier they’ll be to implement on set. If the script doesn’t specify sustainable practices, add them through your wardrobe and set design choices.

10.   Commit

Make the commitment to your friends and yourself that you’re going to work sustainably. Share your successes and shout out creatives you see trying to do the same.

Need help going green? Contact Tandem Pictures at, or visit them or the Environmental Media Association on Instagram for more information.