The Pitch Society scores a home run with advertising

Fortunately, educating yourself about the advertising industry doesn’t exactly entail watching endless hours of badly made television commercials. The Pitch Society, SCAD’s advertising club, exists to make the process easier for all students.

The club meets on Tuesdays in Adler Hall, room 323 at 8 p.m. The meetings are much more engaging than a television screen, and they provide members with a chance to network with other students and professionals for future projects. The Pitch Society frequently hosts guest speakers, too, who talk about their industry experience. Portfolio building workshops are also common at the club’s meetings.


Tuesday, April 8

During the club’s first meeting, members hosted a dress rehearsal for the those students participating in the National Student Advertising Competition. The NSAC representatives presented their campaign for Mary Kay Cosmetics to both students and professors alike who then provided constructive feedback.


Tuesday, April 15

Professor Stephen T. Hall, who recently returned from spending the winter quarter in Lacoste, talked about the study abroad program there. This past quarter was the first time the advertising department has visited SCAD’s French campus. Hall and two other students from the program shared their experiences from Provence.

Afterward, club members had a Skype session with a former SCAD advertising student Becky Dreifuss. Dreifuss now works as an art director for FCB Chicago, one of the world’s largest advertising firm. She discussed her past internships, her current job, and answered students’ questions about the industry as well as their portfolios.


Tuesday, April 29

The Pitch Society had another collaboration with SCAD’s branch of the graphic design club, AIGA. Together the two clubs hosted a Creative Thinking Strategies workshop with Professor Scott Thorp from the foundations department. Thorp talked about the significance of different artistic practices that encourage creativity and concept work.


Tuesday, May 13

On their last meeting, the club will hold their officer elections for the next school year.