The United Student Forum connects students and faculty for solutions

Monica Medrano, President of the United Student Forum, wants you to be part of the bridge between student concerns and school official solutions.

In the past year, USF has collaborated with Career and Alumni Success to host a Networking Dinner which provides practice in self-confidence when networking at professional social outings for SCAD students. More recently, USF collaborated with the Student Activities Council for a panel discussion that brought School of Digital Media professors together to share insight within their fields and their ongoing work unrelated to SCAD.

Photo credit: USF Facebook

The United Student Forum has 11 current members and 15 positions within their club. Being a member means you also serve as a focus group to multiple departments within SCAD, such as University Safety and Securtiy, Auxiliary Services or SCAD IT. USF has a firm commitment to using diversity to enhance SCAD overall.

“One of our most consistent hardships,” Medrano said, “is gaining recognition for our existence.”

Many people see a student committee and think, “So what? I’ve got the internet to connect me to SCAD if I have a complaint.” However, there is no guarantee that Yelp is going to improve the bus system and it will definitely not contribute to any user’s professional skills.

“Regardless of technological advances, human-to-human communication will prevail in advocating change and voicing opinions in an effective way,” said Medrano.

Photo credit: USF

USF members communicate monthly with some departments, yearly with others and have quarterly meetings with Deans and Chairs. Members also communicate with peers to gather and filter information about SCAD to benefit everyone’s SCAD experience.

Although the final Spring quarter meeting was May 16 and the United Student Forum is a closed committee, if anyone would like to attend one of the meetings, email to inquire about the Fall quarter.

Since USF represents SCAD’s student body, members are hired through an interview process before being allowed any position within USF. USF’s Instagram, Facebook and blog all have postings for open positions.

By Kelsey Sanchez