Upcoming events for the Professional Audio Student Organization
The Professional Audio Student Organization, otherwise known as PASO, provides students of all majors with the chance to network with audio professionals from around the world in a variety of disciplines. PASO also helps expand students’ knowledge of their craft outside the classroom by hosting workshops, masterclasses, Q&A’s, competitions, presentations, games and much more in a professional environment at SCAD. The club meets every other Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Hamilton Hall, room 104.
April 29
Bob Bronow, mixer of Discovery Channel’s hit show “Deadliest Cast” will be Skyping with the students during the meeting. Melissa Terril, the web officer of PASO, will also be doing a side-by-side overview of iZotope’s RX3’s feature set and a demonstration on how to clean up audio.
May 13
Thomas Jackson, the club’s treasurer, will be giving a presentation on DIY acoustic panels: how to build them, what supplies you’ll need and what the applications are of said panels. The club will also be hosting their annual officer elections and attendance is highly encouraged.
May 20
PASO will be hosting a Foley prop contest, where students will bring in found or purchased props and have the chance to win sound effect libraries. Foley is the practice of “performing” sound direct to picture with a variety of real-world objects. The meeting will also have a sound effects swap, so students are encouraged to bring in original recordings they want to share.
For more information on PASO, visit their Facebook page.