Written by Claire Gerdenich
District staff writer Claire Gerdenich sat down with the frontwoman of Weaves, Jasmyn Burke. Weaves is an indie rock group that formed in Toronto, Canada. Its four members have been touring America, and they played at Savannah Stopover Festival on Saturday, March 11.
Claire Gerdenich (CG): What is the inspiration for your name?
Jasmyn Burke (JB): Weaves comes from the weaving of different music genres together. Also, previously I was in a group called Rattail, and I wanted to continue the theme of hair.
CG: What are some musicians/ bands that inspire you?
JB: As we have been on the road we have been listening to a lot of 70’s rock. Of course, I grew up listening to mostly 90’s music like the Spice Girls.
CG: How does your writing process go?
JB: I like to create loops guitar or keyboard and then write the lyrics. Then I share it with my band members and they go in and add more. I would say each song goes through about three stages before it sounds like the final version that we are looking for.
CG: How did you guys meet?
JB: We are from different parts of Canada but we all really met by chance in Toronto and we were all looking for people to form a group and make music with.
CG: In 2016, you released your first full-length album, which was self-titled. What was working on the album like? What are the main differences between producing a full album vs an EP?
JB: The Ep only involved two of the members and it was mostly created in a DYI style. The album was recorded in a more professional studio and it’s really an expansion of our music and what we can do.
CG: What message are you trying to send with your music?
JB: Just creating uplifting positive music and bringing people together. I really want to stress the importance of females in rock music and having that visibility of frontwomen on stage to inspire girls and even representation of women running the labels and directing the music videos. It’s really important for young girls to see that and have a good role model to look up to.
CG: You formed in Canada, what’s it like touring America?
JB: We really enjoy meeting people and seeing places in America, the news often shows one side of people but when you actually visit these cities most people are very friendly and welcoming.
CG: What’s your biggest goal as a group for 2017?
JB: We have been working on our next record and hoping to get in out in the fall of this year.
CG: Is there anything you would like to say to your fans?
JB: Hello, and I hope that you are excited to see us!