Written by Brittany Landry
Photographed by Pablo Portilla del Valle
Whether you found your four-legged friend at a shelter, a breeder, craigslist or inherited it from grandma, all canine companions were welcome at the 16th Annual Doggie Carnival. On Sunday May 15, Forsyth Park was packed with dogs and dog lovers.
The carnival hosted doggie derby where German Shepherds raced against Newfoundlands and Boston Terriers went toe-to-toe with Dachshunds. All of them had their eyes on the first place blue ribbon. There was doggie fortune telling and even dog-friendly ice cream. Paw print art was stenciled on the fur coats of dogs and baby pools were provided for them to wash off the afternoon heat.
“We saw Dogaween…This is the first time I have seen this. It’s amazing. I could sit here all day long and watch them go by,” said Susan O’Neill.
Others have been coming for years and couldn’t wait to return. “I have been waiting all month (for the dog carnival). I actually came last month on accident. I had the wrong day and came back today,” said Alida Thaxton.
In celebration of the event, we asked owners what they had in common with their dog.Alida Thaxton brought Xerxes, a blue-eyed Siberian Huskie. “He’s crazy and just likes to go go go. I guess I am too,” said Thaxton.
Chris Sweat was holding Peanut, his grandmother’s Chihuahua. “He is afraid of everything,” said Sweat.
James and Bergeta Trainor were lounging with Liam, a Belgian Malawa, and Adin, a German Shepherd. “We both like to play tug a war,” said James, smiling at his dogs.
“Liam is more his dog and Adin is more my dog,” said Bergeta. “There is no question that Adin is the mama’s boy.”
Susan O’Neill was sitting on a bench, people watching with her poodle Max. “We like all the excitement,” said O’Neil.
Janet Webster walked Phoebe, her St. Bernard. “We both like to sleep and take naps,” said Webster.
Brenda Aldridge petted Booboo, her Great Pyrenees. “We both like things very neat. He does not like to get dirty,” said Aldridge.
Ebe Robberts has a Newfoundland named Sebastian. “Sebastian has his own personality. He is very protective and loving even though he is a ginormous animal…He is a very good dog.” said Robberts.