Worth It: March 28, 2008


Avocados are a delicious, buttery fruit grown primarily on the West Coast of the United States, and in Central and South America. Avocados have a somewhat sordid etymology. Their name is derived from the Aztec word for testicle. Avocados were once considered symbolic of fertility; anyone who consumed an avocado would invite unpleasant speculation on their moral character. Thankfully, avocados are now seen as a family-friendly fruit, and can be found in grocery stores everywhere. Avocados can be prepared in a myriad of ways. Sliced avocado adds a rich texture to sandwiches or wraps. Mashed with tomatoes and onions, they make guacamole dip. Sliced in half, with salt and pepper, avocados make an excellent breakfast or snack. Avocados are rich in B, E and K vitamins. A single avocado contains more than six grams of fiber — more than any other fruit. To determine when an avocado is ripe, remember this rhyme: If the skin is firm, let it carry to term. If the skin is supple, do the avocado shuffle.

— Benjamin Frisch

“Gods of the Earth”
The Sword
Kemado Records, 2008

I’ll be honest — I haven’t ever consciously listened to The Sword before “Gods of the Earth.” I’ll be even more honest — I enjoy metal, but I’m not very knowledgeable on the genre. I like Dead Meadow, Boris and Sunn O))), but I’m no metalhead. A lot of it annoys the hell out of me, or I just can’t get into it. What all this means is “Gods of the Earth” is pretty damned good. It’s approachable, heavy, surging and driving. The vocals don’t wreck the music. The music isn’t overbearing or excessively complex. “Gods of the Earth” is just a good rock album.

— Brian Smith

“Volume One”
She & Him
Merge Records, 2008

She & Him, a new band featuring M. Ward on guitar and the actress Zooey Deschanel on percussion, banjo and vocals, is an indie-western surprise. Listening through the album while driving in my car, I was pleasantly surprised to hear how country Ms. Deschanel sounds. Though much of the album is made up of covers of older songs, their distinct style makes each of the songs sound like their own. Being a bit of a Beatles nut, I have never been too keen on Beatles covers. But She & Him is one of the few bands who have done a good job. “Volume One” definitely deserves a listen.

— Lee Burbage