30th annual Sidewalk Arts Festival is fast approaching

The 30th annual Sidewalk Arts Festival will be held in Forsyth Park from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 30. For one day, the concrete squares of Forsyth Park will again be turned into canvases. Students, prospective students and alumni are invited to make and exhibit chalk masterpieces for the school, parents, tourists and the community to see.

Artists that participate in the festival are allotted one square and one box of chalk. Teams of artists working together can request adjacent squares and combine their space and chalk to make larger pieces. Groups receive no more than three squares, and one box of chalk per square.

Participants typically bring brushes, water and paper towels to help transform their ideas into reality as they compete for fun, bragging rights and monetary prizes.

SCAD has reported that for the past two years, about 600 artists have participated individually or on teams. Current students must preregister via MySCAD before noon on April 27. To register, students log on to MySCAD and click on the resources tab, where they must click on and complete the Sidewalk Arts Festival Square Registration form under the forms channel. Graduate students must indicate on the form that they are graduate students, as they will be registered for different squares. Prospective students and alumni must register on the day of the event at their respective tents, which will be set up in Forsyth Park. For questions about registration, call 912-525-4400.

First, second and third place winners will be selected in the categories of Best in Show, Individual Student Award, Group Student Award, Graduate Student Award, Alumni Award, Drawing Minor Award, Prospective Student Award, Gray’s Reef Award and American Greetings Award.

The Accomplices DJ Javier Ramirez will provide music for the day. The Sidewalk Arts Festival will also offer a circus/festival themed children’s area with activities, in addition to local vendors that will sell food and drink in the park.

The festival will be preceded by movies: “Goonies” will be shown on April 28, “Toy Story 3” will be screened on April 29. Both movies will be projected in Forsyth Park at dusk, at about 8 p.m. Like the festival, all events and activities are free and open to the public.

The festival coincides with Alumni and Parents Weekend, and will draw thousands of visitors. The traffic helps promote the school, students and local businesses.

In past years, rain has been a problem for the event. For this year’s festival, the forecast is sunny with a 0 percent chance of precipitation.

For the second year, the Sidewalk Arts Festival is accompanied by the Cyberwalk Arts Contest, where all current students and alumni who have allergies or are unable to attend the festival can work on a square of a virtual sidewalk. Participants have until 5:30 p.m. on April 28 to submit. Those interested can view submissions online. Cyberwalk judging will be completed on April 29, and winners will be announced at 4 p.m. at the Sidewalk Arts Festival. First, second and third place winners in the categories of current students, alumni, and prospective students will receive a certificate and a prize award via U.S. mail.

Current students and alumni must go to the Cyberwalk website and input a valid SCAD email address to participate. Prospective students who want to participate need to contact the admission department at 912-525-5100 or send an email to request an ID.

For more information about the Sidewalk Arts Festival or the Cyberwalk Arts Contest, visit scad.edu/experience/events/sidewalkarts.