Hosted by Emma Roberts, Produced by Perrin Smith with help from Colleen Miller, Nadia Nugent, Meg Aki, Elise Mullen and Vinay Ranganathan, Edited by Paige Mathieson, Image courtesy of Sylvie Baggett
“Only plan three-to-six months in advance, because anything more than that is just pointless. We have no idea what could happen,” Sylvie Baggett said. Baggett, a SCAD grad, earned her B.F.A in writing in 2019 and is currently interning with Bust Magazine.
In the fourth episode of “Bookmarked and Dogeared,” we sit down with Baggett to discuss what goes into writing a novel, avoiding purple prose and the wonders of finding your authentic self. Previously, Baggett was an editor at Savannah Magazine.
Check back again Friday, Jan. 29, for the fifth episode with Ariel Felton. Felton is a humor writer, essayist and editor who graduated from SCAD with an M.F.A. in writing in 2015. In 2020, she was published in The New Yorker and The Washington Post.
“Bookmarked and Dogeared” is a podcast about storytellers from across a variety of majors at SCAD. Our goal is to share the passionate creative work issuing from the pens, paints and tools of students and recent alumni. We want to give up-and-coming storytellers the chance to share their voice and take part in an ongoing conversation about what the creative process means to them.
We are always seeking new storytellers to interview. If you know a writer, artist, filmmaker or creative who would be a great fit for the podcast, email social@scaddistrict.com.