College Security Report: June 30-July 6, 2008

July 1

6:42 a.m.—Security discovered two men sleeping behind the dumpster at Hamilton Hall.  Police responded to the scene, arrested the individuals and generated a report.

5 p.m.— A SCAD student reported that his bike had been stolen from in front of Norris Hall The student was not able to recall whether he locked the bike when he left it at 11:30 earlier in the morning. Police responded to the scene and generated report.

9:45 p.m.—Security responded to a smoke detector activation at Alexander Hall.  Security met Savannah Fire Department at the scene and discovered that the alarm had activated because of dust in the wood shop.  SFD gave instructions to silence and reset the alarm.

July 4

4:45 p.m.—A SCAD student reported to security that someone had stolen his roommate’s bike while it was locked to a lamp pole at 14 West State St.  Police responded and generated a report.

July 5

2:50 p.m.—Security discovered a broken flower pot at York Hall after a large storm went through the area.  Maintenance was notified of the situation.

July 6

8:44 p.m. — Security discovered that a window to Shop SCAD at Bergen Hall had been damaged and was cracked.  Security placed a work order for repair in the morning.