College Security Report Mar. 28-Apr. 3, 2011

March 28

No activity to report.

March 29

8:45 a.m. — Security responded to a medical call at Eckburg Hall involving a passed out student. The student was conscious prior to security’s arrival and stated that he did not want EMS support or a report filed.

3 p.m. — A student reported to security that a backpack containing his iPad, IPod and several SCAD library books was missing from her room at Dyson House when he returned from break. The student did not wish to file a police report.

4:30 p.m. — A student reported to security that her bike had been stolen from outside Club SCAD between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene and issued a crime report.

March 30

3 p.m. — Security responded to the Weston House package room in reference to a package containing a knife. Security confiscated the knife and notified Student Conduct.

10:37 p.m. — Security responded to a “trouble” alarm at Boundary Village. The alarm was determined to be a false alarm and the system was reset.

10:45 p.m. — Security responded to Eichberg Hall in reference to a student bringing a child into Eichberg Hall. Security spoke with the student and informed him of the policy. The student left the premises without further incident.

11:32 p.m. — Security observed a male attempting to steal a bike from the bike rack at Oglethorpe House. The male ran from the scene as security approached him. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene and took a detailed description of the suspect.

March 31

12:06 a.m. — Security responded to a “trouble” alarm at Abercorn Terrace. The alarm was determined to be a false alarm and the system was reset.

12:24 a.m. — A resident director notified security that he discovered drug paraphernalia in a room of Turner House. The resident director was able to get the students to produce a hookah, a glass pipe and other homemade smoking pieces along with a bag containing what the students identified as marijuana seeds. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene at the request of the resident director and confiscated all of the items from the room in addition to a small bag of marijuana from another room. No students were arrested and the director indicated that he would report the incident to Student Conduct.

1:37 p.m. — Security discovered graffiti damage on the elevator at Turner House. Maintenance was notified of the damage.

3:40 p.m. — Security responded to a “smoke” alarm at a room in Boundary Village. It was determined that a student cooking in the room caused the alarm.

3:45 p.m. — Security responded to a “trouble” alarm at Boundary Village. It was determined that a Sonitrol technician working on the system caused the alarm.

April 1

4:10 p.m. — Security found a wallet in the 49th Street lot. The owner was identified and the wallet was returned to the student who stated that all of the contents appeared to be there except $40 in cash.

10:20 p.m. — Security responded to a room at Turner House in reference to a student who drunk a bottle of cough syrup. EMS and Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene. The student was transported to Memorial University Medical Center.

April 2

12:45 a.m. — A student reported to security that her ID was missing. The student was instructed on how to get a replacement ID.

11:45 a.m. — A student reported to security that he discovered a man in his parked car at 49th and Barnard streets. The man brandished a gun and ran off towards 50th Street. The student stated that he gave chase to the suspect but could not catch him. Savannah-Chatham Metro Police responded to the scene and issued a crime report. An iPod was the only item missing from the vehicle.

6:22 p.m. — Security responded to a “trouble” alarm at York Hall. The alarm was determined to be a false alarm and was reset.

April 3

No activity to report.