Dawn Luebbe and Jocelyn DeBoer take suburban moms for a spin

Written and Interviewed by Jordan Petteys and Leila Scott, Photos by Patrick Cox and Kendra Frankle, Video by Alex Puga, Tyler Rispoli, Paige Mathieson and Lauren Heglason

Quirky scrunchies and hot pink hoop earrings hit the red carpet on Thursday evening with confidence and zeal. Co directors of “Greener Grass,” Dawn Luebbe and Jocelyn DeBoer, reminisced the first time they viewed the final cut of their film and deconstructed their method behind the eccentric satire. Premiering a movie with a “little less throw-up” than what they originally planned, the dynamic duo hopes the film reminds its audience to laugh a little more and care a little less about societal standards.

Dawn Luebbe and Jocelyn DeBoer on the red carpet Tuesday evening. [Patrick Cox/scaddistrict.com]

Video Producer: Alex Puga, Main Camera: Tyler Rispoli, Secondary Camera: Alex Puga and Paige Mathieson, Video Editor: Lauren Helgason