Exploring Architectural History: A freemason temple turned tea room
Written by Lilli Donohue, Photographs by Katie Burke
The Gryphon is home to SCAD’s high tea restaurant. This article will explore the rich history of the space, both in regards to SCAD and the past of Savannah.
Many buildings downtown have had different lives, and the Gryphon is no exception. It used to be an apothecary, the Soloman Drug Company. Some of the exceptional decor can be attributed to this early resident. There are drawers that line the walls of the restaurant that used to be storage for alphabetically arranged tablets and different ointments and still complete with the lettering on the surface of the drawers. The Tiffany-inspired lamps and other glassworks are also original to the building.

Originally when SCAD bought the building in 1981, the space was used as the first book and art supplies store for early Bees. Just seven years later it was turned into the Gryphon we know today. Upstairs has a whole different story. The markings over the doorways inform us of the once popular Scottish Rite Temple and Masonic Center. The members are still active but have since proposed a new building after SCAD moved to purchase the entire building in June 2019.
The Scottish Rite is one of several appendant groups of the worldwide fraternity known as Freemasonry. Their official name is The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and they have been around for a very long time. However, there is not just one group; each Valley has up to four Scottish Rite bodies and each body confers a set of degrees. In the Southern Jurisdiction these are the Lodge of Perfection (4°–14°), Chapter of Rose Croix (15°–18°), Council of Kadosh (19°–30°), and the Consistory (31°–32°). The Gryphon was part of the Lodge of Perfection.
They are interested in human progress, intellect, human rights and brotherhood. Character, charity and good deeds are all important pillars of the Masons. The three great lights are the square, the compass, the volume of sacred law of which they are placed. A famous member was Benjamin Franklin, an impersonator offers an informational video here. The Mason’s began during the age of enlightenment. They were influenced during a time where science and reason became highly valued.

In the late 1800’s a group of Masons decided that they required a new building to accommodate the various Blue Lodges and appendant bodies related to the Masons. Before this, there had not been a permanent meeting space for over a hundred years. The Scottish Rite is one of the two branches of Freemasonry, in which a Master Mason may proceed after they have completed the three degrees of Symbolic or Blue Lodge Masonry.
As we know today, the Gryphon is no longer a lodge to the Masons but you can still feel the history as you sip your tea in the old apothecary. Next time you pass by, take a look at the architectural details. They are full of little hints regarding the histories of this interesting building.