Female filmmakers break through the glass ceiling with Shatterbox

Written by Colleen Miller, Video by Alex Puga, Tyler Rispoli, Paige Mathieson and Rebecca Wolfe, Photos by Kendra Frankle

Shatterbox with Refinery29 presents an inspiring array of female filmmakers and their work. Monday, students had the unique opportunity to view the short films and hear from the female directors, writers and producers who created them. “Shoot,” “Girl Callin,” “Wingmen,” “Human Terrain,” “Jack and Jo Don’t Want to Die,” “Dorthea’s Blues” and “White Echo” each present stories with strong female characters with multi-faceted and complex depictions of humanity.

Kantu Lentz [Kendra Frankle/scaddistrict.com]

A panel followed the screening led by Amy Emmerich, President and Chief Content Officer at Refinery 29. She posed thought-provoking questions to Parisa Barani (“Human Terrain,” director), Adrienne Childress (“Girl Callin,” writer and producer), Tiffany J. Johnson (“Girl Callin,” director), Channing Godfrey Peoples (“Dorthea’s Blues,” director), Kantú Lentz (“Jack and Jo Don’t Want to Dies, director) and Lizzie Nastro (“White Echo,” producer).

Triffany Johnson & Aldirenne Childress [Kendra Frankle/scaddistrict.com]

They extensively discussed the common thread of human connection in all the films. Which oftentimes, this theme made a valuable storytelling tool. “I find the humanity and the characters to move the connection forward,” Peoples said. It’s in these connections between, filmmaker and Refinery29, director and actor, story and audience that make Shatterbox’s films so powerful. 

Channing Godfrey Peoples [Kendra Frankle/scaddistrict.com]

In the evening, these women made a powerful appearance on the red carpet as they all posed together. They brought a level of diversity as well as a variety of insights to the reporters. On the carpet, they made their fierce presence known showing that women in film will not be overshadowed.

Video Producer: Alex Puga, Main Camera: Tyler Rispoli, Secondary Camera: Alex Puga and Paige Mathieson, Video Editor: Rebecca Wolfe