
Hop a train to Hogwarts at the Lucas Theatre

By Kelsey Sanchez.

Potterheads unite—Harry Potter and the Movie Marathon Month kicks off this Saturday at 11 a.m. at the Lucas Theatre. If you’ve felt a little stressed out this quarter— don’t be a Crabbe—go watch the-show-that-must-not-be-missed. The schedule can be found here.

The HPMMM will run through Feb. 17 and movies will be played in chronological order from “The Sorcerer’s Stone” to “The Deathly Hallows: Part 2.” Three of the five Potter screenings are set to play back to back. That leaves dedicated fans with 1-2 hours between movies. Here is a quick list of places to eat and things to do during those gaps:

Leopold’s Ice Cream—The Savannah equivalent of Honeydukes Sweet Shop is just around the corner from the Lucas Theatre. If you’ve not been, the marathon breaks lend the perfect excuse to indulge on Savannah’s iconic homemade ice cream. The locally sourced candied ginger ice cream is to die for, no need for avada kedavra though.

ZIA Boutique—Zia Sachedina, the owner of the boutique, draws inspiration from his childhood in Kenya while being raised by a Japanese-American mother and East Indian father. Hold my butterbeer while I empty my wallet on his tribal chic collection.

Forsyth Park—Being a muggle and all, I’ll assume you’re hoofing it. If you are, the Lucas Theatre to the end of Forsyth Park is about a 50-minute round-trip. Stretch your legs between shows and quietly wish you could disapparate/apparate the whole time.

Scents for Cents—Play potion master and create your own perfume on Congress Street. The perfume bar does require an appointment, so if that’s the plan call ahead of time. If you just want to grab some bath bombs or perhaps a sage bundle (for any ritual spells in your future), they’ve got that too.

Kayak Kafe—Merlin’s beard, this Broughton Street restaurant/gym is a great place for a quick bite. Kayak has amazing vegan and vegetarian tacos. For you meat-eaters, there is locally-caught shrimp, anti-biotic and hormone free chicken and preservative-free deli meats and bacon. I want to accio their vegetarian salad on the daily.

Haitian Crafts & Art— In City Market this shop is the home to handcrafted, traditional bowls, sculptures, décor and goblets. None are filled with fire, but name a better item to purchase before or after the fourth movie screens next Saturday.

Tickets for the Harry Potter showings at Lucas are $8 for general admission; $5 for military and seniors; $5 for non-SCAD students, children under 15 and $2 for SCAD Card holders.