How students relax as finals approach

Written by Erin Krochmalny, Illustration by Colleen Miller

It’s about that time of year again when students work well into the A.M. and showers become secondary. It’s the dreadful finals week where the artist muscle is strained to its final twitch. There’s nothing pleasant about finals week except, maybe, the satisfaction it brings once you’ve finished everything. But that’s the feeling you’re going to need to help get you through this week. That feeling of optimism and hope is the key components to focus on. With that said, here are some advice to get you through it all.

1. Take that shower

It’ll not only make you look refreshed, but it will also give you a break from the projects and the papers. Sometimes you just need that splash of awakening to restart your thought process. Plus being in the shower forces you to step back from the project to think about it.

2. Meditate or sleep

Meditating is not for everyone, but like a shower, it can rejuvenate your senses to make working long hours on a project a little easier. Try thirty minutes of meditation every few hours or whenever your brain feels like it’s starting to melt. If meditating isn’t your cup of tea, take those thirty minutes for a short nap or even some impromptu dancing. It doesn’t have to be a dance break either, you can always hit the gym for a few and exercise away the stress bugs infecting your brain.

3. Music

Music always hypes up the body and can help you focus more on the project – something upbeat and with happy undertones will help. “I’m Gonna Be (500 miles)” by The Proclaimers has a nice rhythm and easy lyrics to sing along with. Bring up your favorite album or podcast and start listening in. People may look at you funny, but oh well, it’s finals week.

4. Reward yourself

There’s no better way to motivate your brain power than giving yourself treats or a short Netflix break. Once you’ve completed a stage in a project or the draft of your paper, give yourself a bit of chocolate or watch an episode of your favorite show.

5. Don’t Forget

Two things to remember: this is just one quarter and remind yourself why/what you’re doing this for. Come up with a mantra for all of the stress of finals. Think of something such as, “I can do this,” to repeat to yourself whenever you feel like giving up.

When it comes to finals week, most students are hectic. No one enjoys the dark circles under the eyes or the tearing of hair. Even though you just want to get it done, don’t let that feeling stop you from savoring this last week of the quarter. Take some time away from your projects and hang out with friends – enjoy as much as you can. Helen Keller once said this, “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” You’re already here, in college. Whether it’s the end of your first year or last, you’ve made it this far, just push yourself a little bit longer. You are the artist and you can do this.