by Leila Scott
During study abroad orientation, I was warned that luggage might get lost or delayed. I never thought it would happen to me, but upon arrival, my luggage was nowhere to be found. Needless to say, I lived with what I had for the first three days in Lacoste, but I regretfully packed a carry-on that was a last-minute mess. Now that I have zipped up my suitcase for the last time this summer, I have enough experience to compile a list of what/what not to pack when studying in Lacoste.
1. Make your carry-on your survival pack.
I’d suggest packing your medications since there isn’t a pharmacy in Lacoste. Also, have a week’s worth of travel size toiletries, whether it’s a travel size of contact solution or face wash. Definitely don’t forget a toothbrush and toothpaste. While you’re at it, bring your own bath towel — a post shower necessity that won’t be provided for you. Just in case, bring two changes of clothes and other undergarments. Although most luggage arrives within the first few days, it’s helpful to have clothing items you can mix and match. Depending on which season you arrive in, pack three simple tops and two pairs of bottoms that can interchange with one another [Bring a swim suit for the summer]. In order to stay up to date with the location of your baggage, bring an adapter and charger.
2. You’ll just need it.
Especially in the event that you choose to travel during your time abroad, bring a refillable water bottle that has a filter in it. Not only will you produce less waste, you’ll also dodge the chance of drinking any questionable water. Even if you’re not here in the summer, sunscreen and bug spray are so important. You’ll spend plenty of time outside bonding with the bugs and the sun. Although ShopSCAD resides in the Upper Village, it’s not guaranteed they will have all of your school supplies. Bring your favorite mediums, paper and textbooks with you.
3. No, you don’t need it.
Spending a quarter in France inevitably leads you to buy more things. The best you can do is pack as little as possible. Picking two pairs of shoes is just enough — preferably ones you can walk in. Choose clothing you can mix and match so there’s more room for souvenirs and new finds. You don’t need three bags of makeup or seven pairs of jeans, go for the bare minimum. For those of you who come during the hotter months, one jacket will do as some nights do get chilly.
Luckily for those whose baggage doesn’t arrive a
Packing is a learning experience, I’m sure you’ll have your own list of what/what not to bring to Lacoste.