Proposal interrupts seniors’ final home game

by Erin Krochmalny

As spring sports near the end of their seasons, seniors play their last home games, score their last goals and participate in their last practices. However, Maggie Lortz, a fourth-year advertising student, experienced something exceptionally rare at her last home game. As Lortz made her way across the field with her parents, the entire team and coach held up letters spelling out, “will you marry me?” and her now fiancé, Jessica Cassidy, surprised her with a ring. According to Lortz, the proposal came as a huge surprise. Lortz reflected on her time at SCAD during one of her last practices with the team:

Favorite or funniest moment?

“Honestly there’s been a lot, especially with the team. We have a lot of crazy moments, but probably some of my favorite moments have been when we were in hotels traveling for lacrosse. We don’t have anything else to do so we just mess around with each other and have fun doing random stuff.”

Favorite and least favorite class?

“My favorite class is either the history of architecture in Savannah or any of my advertising classes have been really great too. My least favorite was either twentieth century art history or color theory.”

So what was it like starting your first year at scad?

“It was crazy. It was a huge transition especially being twelve hours from home and being unfamiliar with a lot of things that were down here. But it was also a really great learning experience and I grew a lot in that first year. I learned a lot about myself and about the people that I wanted to surround myself with. It was the most important year of my life so far I think.”

Scariest or hardest moment while here?

“Scariest moment was when I was really stressed out with school and having doubts about if I belonged at scad or if I wanted to pursue a degree in art. When your eighteen or nineteen years old its hard to decide what you want to do with your life. I had a lot of doubtful moments as I was accepting who I was as a person, what I wanted to do and who I wanted to be.”

Any regrets or things you wished you’d done differently?

“I think when I was a freshman I wish I had taken my classes a lot more seriously. I’ve never been the best student and now that I’m a senior and twenty-two years old, I’m realizing that I could have worked a lot harder. I wish I could go back to freshman Maggie and tell her to take more things seriously than I did.”

Any advice for SCAD student as a whole?

“For any student, I say, work really hard and find what you like doing in your classes. I say for advertising students, find something outside of advertising that your passionate about and take that into class with you. I found that I liked to do a lot of work on political and current events. It helped me be more passionate about the work I’m doing. Also, find your people at SCAD. I think getting through SCAD with my team and outside the team made life a lot easier for me. I don’t know how I would have made it without any of the girls on this team.”

Lortz plans to pursue a job in advertising back home in Cincinnati. Later that night the bees went on to win their final home game 23-0.