Recapping the 2017 deFINE ART Festival

The year 2017 brought the eighth annual SCAD deFINE ART exhibition with guests such as Carlos Cruz-Diez, Madame Ghandi, Hank Willis Thomas, David Goodman, Tracey Riese, Richard Birkett, Daniel McClean and Joseph del Pesco, as well as many others.

Cruz-Diez brought “Chroma” to the SCAD Museum of Art, sharing his opt art concepts and his exploration of color. In addition to a large exhibit inside the museum, Cruz-Diez installed a outdoor exhibit in the museum courtyard.

Kiran Gandhi performed new music at the MoA theater and spoke about the future “being female” and the idea of atomic living.

“Take Note,” exhibited at The Gutstein Gallery with Erica Baum, Meg Hitchcock, SCAD visual resources center manager Robin Miller, and Molly Springfield, Alex Gingrow (M.F.A., painting, 2007), Nathaniel Russell and professor of painting, Todd Schroeder, showcased a collaborative investigation of text-based visual art.

Hank Willis Thomas brought his exhibitions, “Blind Memory,” and “Freedom Isn’t Always Beautiful,” to the SCAD MoA’s Walter O. Evans gallery of African American art. Both exhibits explore the concept of identity, history, race and class.

The museum also housed Hernan Bas’ “Florida Living,” Chiharu Shiota’s “Infinity Lines,” Glen Fogel’s “With You . . . Us,” Monir Shahroudy’s Farmanfarmaian’s “Lineages” and José Parlá’s “Roots” for deFINE ART.

The SCAD Alumni Atelier program opened the doors of Forsyth House to show the work of their winter quarter alumni.

David Goodman, Executive Vice President, Digital Development and Marketing for Sotheby’s, held a lecture on how the storied auction house has evolved over time to grow beyond traditional art auctions by embracing new platforms and interactive technologies.

Ben Tollefson, Assistant Curator of SCAD Exhibitions, curated “Oversaturated,” a group exhibition on display in the Alexander Hall Gallery that consists of sculptures, photographs and paintings by SCAD alumni, current students and faculty. The show included Bin Feng’s “The American Dream,” a photo collection that explores the American Dream from a Chinese perspective.

For more information on deFINE ART visit the event’s website. To view past deFINE ART exhibitions click here.

Photographed and written by Asli Shebe.

Asli Shebe is a senior writing major from Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. She began working for District in 2014 as a staff writer, then copy editor, A&E editor, Chief Assignment editor and finally, Editor-in-Chief in 2017. Asli currently holds the record for obtaining the most job titles during her time at District. When she’s not writing for District you can find her biking around the Historic District of Savannah at odd hours of the day.