SCAD art history professors discuss art and the sacred

The Episcopal church of St. Paul the Apostle will be having guest lectures from three SCAD professors starting this Sunday Oct. 4th. St. Paul’s will be hosting the lectures on the first Sunday of every month starting ending on Dec. 6th.

The lectures are designed to explore the relationship between art and the spirit. The lectures are free and open to the public.

Professor Edwin Johnson will be discussing John Milton’s Paradise Lost which will also feature illustrations of Gustave Doré and William Blake from the Romantic period. Johnson’s lecture will start at 4 p.m. Oct. 4.

Sunday Nov. 1 Professor James Janson will be presenting a lecture entitled “Hairshirts, Keys, and X-shaped Crosses: Saints and their Symbols.” Janson’s lecture will start at 4 p.m.

The final lecture in the series will be on Dec. 6 by Professor Stephen Wagner. Wagner will be presenting information entitled: “Humble Images from Novice Nuns in a Fourteenth-Century Copy of Meditations on the LIfe of Christ.”

St. Paul’s is located at the corner of Abercorn and and 34th Street. For more information check out St. Paul’s Web Site.