Photo by Katherine Rountree
On Saturday night, the Trustees Theater hosted the tenth annual SCADanimate! film screening. The best senior films from more than 80 produced the previous year were chosen to showcase for SCAD students, faculty and the community.
The films spanned a wide variety of subject matters and themes. Throughout the night, the audience laughed, cooed and gasped along with the characters spinning around on the screen. They ranged from less than a minute to 5 minutes, and all included sound tracks with minimal speaking.
“I came last year, and the movies are all really well done,” said Erin Fitzgerald, a second year animation major from Burnside, California. “[The professors] don’t really give them too many guidelines in terms of genre or style, so it’s a lot of different types of animation.”
The students who produced the films seemed to embrace the chance to take certain creative risks that might not be encouraged in a regular animation studio.
Said Scott Bogoniewski, an animation professor at SCAD, “I don’t know if there are any children in the audience, but a couple of the films get a little violent, and there’s one that has some adult humor. If there are kids here, then it might be time to go get an ice cream about half way through.”
Gabriella Sanchez from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Halle Hajighassem, from Tampa, Florida, and Abigail Pullen from Jackson, Mississippi, are all first year animation majors who came to see what kind of work they hope to be doing one day.
“I thought it was really nice,” said Sanchez. “My favorite one had to be the black and white Edwardian dancer film.”
The girls were impressed by the quality of the work shown, especially given that most of them were produced in just a year.
“I think the hardest part would be just getting it all down and doing the clean-up process, and the character designs,” said Hajighassem.
Said Pullen, “Post production has got to be tough.”
The evening seemed to unveil future potential for students hoping to do animation themselves one day.
“Dude, I wanna work with these guys when I’m doing my animation video!” said Sanchez as the three headed out of the theater and into the Savannah evening.