The fifth annual SCAD StartUp competition kicked off February 7. Sponsored by FLUX, SCAD’s UX club, and SCADPro, students will make and present different products, services or startup programs based around a certain theme. This year’s theme is ‘Giving A Voice’.
Former StartUp participants discuss their experiences from previous years. (L-R: Ramya Kuchimanchi, Jana Martin, Andrew Bretnall, Calyssa Nowviskie and Josh Lind)
Staff hand out bags containing various items including notebooks, Post-it notes, and Adobe Xd branded socks.
Jen Bonnet discusses her experiences with working with different startups and the entreprenuership process.
Students discuss various panels in which students can learn all the ingredients for a successful startup. (L-R: Angela Martin, Maria Ruiz, Sarah Doncals, Andrew Goodridge, Nicholas Pellegrino, Connelly Morris and Geethika Simhadri)
Students will complete in small teams throughout the week to win a prize of up to $5,000 to divide among the team members.