By Kenneth Rosen
Worth it? No!
My mother bought a Wii Fit. She may have truly wanted to exercise or she just needed a Wii Fit bobble head to fill the void of empty nesting. The second I stepped onto that little plastic board, I knew it wasn’t worth it; my time or the emotional heartache, that is.
It first evaluates you based on age, height and weight, and after that, whatever algorithm the stuck-up jocks over at Nintendo came up with tells you what physical age you are. My BMI was something along the lines of 22-point-something and they had the nerve, the audacity! to tell me that I was age 37. Can you believe that? For a 20-year-old male that weighs only a buck-seventy, I certainly can’t.
So, do you want your summer ruined by a little white box and some beefy little cartoons who laugh at you when you can’t do more than 10 invisible hula hoop swings? I didn’t think so.