Student finds her Zen at Dancing Dog Yoga

Written by Erica Detlefs

Amidst the chaos of senior year and final projects, illustration major Jessica Voltaggio found peace and stillness in becoming a certified yoga teacher at the Dancing Dogs Yoga Studio on Broughton Street.

Voltaggio has been practicing yoga since high school and exploring various styles and practices. Two years ago, she joined the Dancing Dog’s studio, where after being encouraged by fellow yogi’s, she decided to embark on a three-week certification in Baptiste Yoga. The process included learning about different yoga practices, traditional Sanskrit, meditation and finished with a test. Now officially certified, Voltaggio teaches classes every Saturday at 4 p.m. at Dancing Dog Yoga studio downtown. The studio offers classes for everyone of all levels of experience. Some classes include power Vinyasa Yoga, a style all about movement and building strength, more gentle classes such as Yin Yoga, a type of yoga that focuses on slow movements and calming anxieties and Baptiste Yoga, a kind of hot power yoga. 

The main reason Voltaggio has continued yoga among busy schedule is because of its calming benefits, and her ability to offer someone else an experience to grow, whether physically or spiritually. She admits that occasionally, the balancing act between school and teaching yoga becomes hard, but the benefits outweigh the challenges. “I love offering people the chance to grow in their practice and in their lives,” said Voltaggio. “It’s just really important for me to do it.” 

Despite her skill level, Voltaggio explains she still gets the same heightened sense of relaxation, something she calls the “yoga-high.” It comes from the feeling that she “changed someone’s life” during the practice, and that sense of reward is powerful. 

Because she is instructing her classes, Voltaggio is responsible for coming up with her own routines. With the Baptiste inspired yoga she teaches, she outlines a traditional routine. Voltaggio switches out a few poses and sees what feels to flow during the class, adding her creativity and catering to what students need in that particular class. Voltaggio encourages students to take any yoga class if it fits into their schedules, as yoga has changed the way she approaches schoolwork. “Being an art student is stressful,” said Voltaggio. “Yoga has helped me with creativity and getting me into that flow.” 

Check out the Dancing Dogs Yoga studio on Broughton, right above the Paris Market to take a class. For more information, visit their website and Facebook page.